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Rogue Hostage 2021

Rogue Hostage 2021

Rogue Hostage is a 2021 American action mystery movie directed by means of Jon Keeyes and starring Tyrese Gibson with John Malkovich and Michael Jai White. It became released within the u.S.A. On June eleven, 2021 by using Vertical amusement and Redbox leisure.


Set in a rural US kingdom, the tough conditions with a battlefield nightmare flashback that wakes up marine Kyle Snowden. After the horrifying incident at the nightmare activities, Kyle left the service and now works in toddler shielding services. However, his wife left him for no obvious reasons, and consequently, he is the sole mother or father of his more youthful daughter, Angel.
With a viable premise, the narrative brings in battle. A rogue institution of mercenaries plans to attack Congressmen Sam Nelson. The chief of the institution, Eagan Raize, stocks a personal enmity with the congressmen. His father, Luther, become Nelson’s commercial enterprise associate who changed into despatched to prison for eighteen years in a fraud case. Eagan believes that Nelson ruined his father’s lifestyles to take over the commercial enterprise.


Rogue Hostage is a 2021 American action mystery movie directed by means of Jon Keeyes and starring Tyrese Gibson with John Malkovich and Michael Jai W

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